Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Saturday, November 1, 2014

This Leather Jacket Once Caused a Ruckus in a Whole Foods

Well, not exactly a ruckus. But J went into that bastion of casual veganism and got the hairy eyeball from a number of the (undoubtedly leather-shoe-wearing) denizens. (And no, I'm not Judgie McJudgerson. Not at all. Why do you ask?)

The jacket will go, the story will remain.

This bad boy is actually going to be posted on eBay, since it's still worth something. I'll add a running tally of the money I make from the project in a sidebar, although I don't anticipate it will add up to much.

(Here's hoping those are famous last words.)

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