Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Link to Kenyon

This is a CD of all the work I created on the Kenyon College server during my four years at college. The IT department burned one of these for every student upon graduation back in the day. (I suspect these days you can just transfer your work to whatever the hell the Cloud is.)

I have held onto this disc for over 13 years (since May of 2001.) While I think that I took a look at some of my work within my first year post-graduation, I know that I have not looked at a thing on this disc in at least 12 years, and I have moved it a grand total of seven times.

It's really hard to get rid of this. It's a physical manifestation of all the work I did as an undergraduate, a reminder of the fact that I once spent four years thinking really hard.

But I know I'm never going to look at the work on this disc again. (Frankly, I don't know that I even have a computer that can read it.) If it were to go poof during one of the many periods when I forget its existence, I'm sure I wouldn't miss it.

So, out it goes. I don't need it to remember how hard I worked as an undergraduate.

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