Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Clearing Out the Silverware Drawer

J and I have a lot of silverware.

Recently, BB decided to climb on a chair and empty the silverware drawer, one implement at a time, into the sink.

After washing the resulting mess (which of COURSE we let him do, because other than the crashing sound of silverware being thrown, allowed for about 15 minutes of blessed blessed peace), J told me he thought we could probably stand to get rid of some.

I agreed.
We are not getting rid of all of that. These are the mismatched pieces we owned, but we only have four sets of the one matching set we own. So we're keeping a few of the above pieces in a separate spot for when we have guests, and we've reduced our silverware drawer to the following thing of beauty:
No more drawer jams!

(Here's hoping I still love this when I'm washing forks seven times a day.)

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