Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Boomerang Spoons

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, LO goes to our local Montessori school.

He takes a lunch on those days, which invariably include a cup of applesauce.

The school provides him with a spoon with which to eat said cup of applesauce.

Every. Single. Time. the spoon that belongs to Montessori comes home in LO's lunchbox. They then pile up at our house:

Every once in a while, I gather them up and send them back to Montessori in LO's lunchbox with a note explaining that they are not to come home.

They generally come right back home in his lunchbox.

Every once in a while, a note is sent home asking me to send a spoon in his lunch, after which point I growl with annoyance, gather up all of the Montessori spoons, and send them in to school in LO's lunchbox with a note explaining that these spoons live at Montessori and would very much like to go home.

Usually that takes care of it.

Then, I start packing a spoon (belonging to us) in LO's lunchbox.

This works out great except for the fact that Montessori usually keeps it.


I packaged this particular batch of boomerang spoons in a separate bag which I will personally hand over to a teacher in the hopes that they will be appropriately rehomed.

I have no doubt they will start creeping back into the house one by one.

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