Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Monday, November 17, 2014

If I Haven't Used It Since I Moved to Indiana

Then out it goes.

This is a milk steamer that J got me for my birthday about 8 years ago (I think.)

At the time, I'd discovered the joy of chai tea and other drinks that are improved with steamed milk. J got me this and we made some delicious hot drinks in honor of my birthday (which is in February.) And yes, sometimes we made delicious hot adult beverages if you must know.

Every winter for a few years, I'd bust this bad boy out to make my favorite hot drinks.

I don't think I used it the winter before we moved here (2009-2010), and I know I haven't used it since I've become a Hoosier. As much as I am sad to part with a well-thought-out gift graciously given and well-enjoyed, I know that it's time to let someone else enjoy it.

Thank you, J, for giving me such a lovely present. And thank you, little appliance, for serving us so well.

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