Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Well, This is Embarrassing...

I've got a ridiculous number of reusable grocery bags. Back when they first became a thing, I collected them and liked to go shopping with them ostentatiously hung over the edge of my cart, congratulating myself on my moral superiority compared to the lesser mortals using plastic and paper.

(I'm a little insufferable sometimes.)

In any case, I've purged several times, but I still have a lot. So, I'm going down to a half dozen, meaning I needed to ditch three.

Frankly, I'm thrilled to pieces to get rid of the one on the left. It was a swag bag I received at BlogHer 2012 from the retailer Eden Fantasy, which is just what it sounds like. (As for what came in the bag, I'm sure it's been shoved in the back of a drawer somewhere, and no, I will not be posting when I declutter it.)

I always forget that I have this bag--that loudly proclaims "Sexy & Smart" for all to see--until I'm actually in the check-out line and the cashier is placing my eggs in it. (And that's not a euphemism.) At which point I wonder how I could possibly forget the embarrassing bag that I've been meaning to get rid of for TWO YEARS.

Best to send it to Goodwill now, before LO and BB start reading (and getting mortified by Mom.)

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