Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Sunday, October 19, 2014


This is my alarm clock. (And a spot where I need to touch up some paint, apparently.)

I have not used my alarm clock for its raison d'etre in several years. For at least four years, it has been unalarmed, which I'm sure it finds alarming.

No, this alarm clock has only served to give me middle-of-the-night panic attacks regarding how much time I have left to sleep.

Better to let it go to a luddite in need of an alarm. I imagine there is someone just coming to the idea of upgrading to an alarm clock since their professional knocker-upper is getting a bit long in the tooth.

Off to Goodwill you go, alarmer.

1 comment:

  1. On my first trip to England, I was told the story of a frightened girl who stayed awake all night worrying about her host coming to knock her up in the morning.
