Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Minimalist Challenge: Get Rid of 365 Things

Last night, after reading one of several blogs about getting rid of one extraneous item each day for a year, I decided that I, too, need to get rid of 365 things.

I have decided to follow the rules as laid out by the first blog where I encountered this challenge, Old World Garden Farms:

1. For 365 straight days, I must throw out a minimum of one possession each day that I no longer deem necessary in my life.

2. With the exception of food, I will not purchase anything to bring into our home unless it fills a direct need and/or replaces something already in the house.

3. I will attempt to find a new home for useable items or repurposeable items, recycle those that can be recycled, and only truly throw out those items that cannot find a new life elsewhere.

So, starting here on October 15, 2014, I decided to get rid of this:

We have a grand total of three spatulas. This was a replacement spatula I purchased when we first moved to Lafayette, before we had gotten our stuff from storage. I have never particularly liked it, and I only use it when the two spatulas I prefer are both dirty. There is no reason to have this in the house--not useful, and definitely not beautiful. So, out it goes! 

I added it to a bag of donations I had already put together for Goodwill, which I will drop off today or tomorrow.

Onward, ho!

I invite you to join me in getting rid of 365 things over the next year! Follow along on my journey to reduce, and tell me what you got rid of today in the comments.

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