Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My Grandma's Books

Right before she passed away in 2009, my Grandma Betta discovered that she and I shared a taste for cheesy romance novels. I don't remember exactly how we ended up bonding over the predictable joys of Nora Roberts, but I remember sitting in the hospital with Grandma talking about how much we enjoyed particular trilogies written by our favorite guilty pleasure author.

She went home from the hospital after that visit very excited to package up her paperbacks and send them to me. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to do that before she passed away later that month.

But her daughter, my Aunt Robin, knew that Grandma really wanted me to have her books and made sure I got several boxes of them when I came back to town for Grandma's funeral.

When I got home, I carefully wrote "From the library of Arbetta Guy" in each paperback so that I would remember which ones had come to me from her.

I read all the Nora Roberts.

I tried to read several of the others, but many were simply not to my taste.

As much as it makes me sad, it's time to pass these books along to someone else who will read them. I don't need the books themselves to remember Grandma or the fun we had realizing we liked the same author. And my inscription in each book will let new readers know a little piece of my grandmother.

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