Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. --William Morris

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Threefer for My Second Day

I discovered after I published my inaugural post that I, in fact, lied to you in it.

We had four spatulas.
I had totally forgotten about this one. Out it goes.

In addition, LO (the four-year-old) managed to break one of my baking dishes. One of those dishes that are supposed to be virtually unbreakable.
After my initial irritation, I decided it didn't matter a whit. I have an entire set of these dishes, and I honestly can't remember the last time I used this particular size. My only qualm is that I am putting it in the trash, when it seems as though someone might be able to find a use for it. (I tend to get a little Great Depression-y when it comes to throwing things out.) Obviously, this can't be used for food anymore, but couldn't someone use it for a dog bowl or break it into smaller pieces for a mosaic or something?

Since those ideas are clearly ridiculous, I'm just putting it in the trash. May that be my worst crime against the planet.

Finally, my sister recently asked me about the Insanity DVDs I bought from TV over five years ago in a moment of, well, insanity. J and I have officially started the program about three times now. We have never gotten farther than, I believe, week two.

(I'm lying. We've never gotten farther than week 1)
Tracie asked me about the program since she's having trouble fitting the gym into her schedule, so I offered to send them to her. Yesterday, I finally packaged it up (along with the Shaun T motivational poster that has been sneering at us from the back of the basement door since 2012) and mailed it off to her.

That afternoon, she told me that she's figured out how to fit the gym into her schedule.

Ah, well. Perhaps she'll be able to find a good home for Shaun T.

What have you decluttered today?

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